What New Homeowners Need to Know About HVAC

What New Homeowners Need to Know About HVAC

If you have just bought a house, whether as a first-time buyer or just the latest in a long line of properties, it is important to take time to get yourself familiar with how to keep it comfortable. That means getting to know the HVAC system in your new home. You need to know how to operate it when to arrange maintenance, and what to look for when a problem is brewing! It can be helpful to call an HVAC company in Knoxville to perform a full service and give you a rundown on the unit’s current status, but in the meantime, here are some of the things new homeowners need to know about their HVAC!

What Does HVAC Stand For?

Let’s start with the basics. If you are a new homeowner, you may not know what HVAC actually stands for. It is the acronym for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. This refers to the complete comfort system that is responsible for regulating the airflow in your home to keep it at a comfortable temperature. Your HVAC is one of the most important systems in your new home, so you will certainly want to make sure you have a reliable HVAC company in Knoxville on hand to help you care for it!

Let’s take a look at some important things you need to know about your HVAC system.

1 - What Kind of HVAC System Do You Have?

One of the first things you need to find out when moving into your new home is what type of HVAC system you have. Is there a furnace or a heat pump? Do you have a ductless system? It is important to know how your home is being heated and cooled, and what type of fuel it uses. This may have been shared with you during the inspection process. Once you know what type of system you have some other important information you will need includes:

  • Age - Ask how old the HVAC system is. This is one of the first things that an HVAC company in Knoxville will need to know if you call for a service or repair. Some HVAC systems can last for 20-30 years, while others start failing after 10 years.
  • Efficiency Rating - Every HVAC system has ratings to determine how energy efficient they are. These ratings include SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio), EER (energy efficiency ratio), AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency), or HSPF (heating seasonal performance factor). The higher the rating is, the more energy efficient your unit is meaning you will save on energy costs.
  • Warranty - Ask if the unit is still under warranty and if so, what are the terms of the policy? This will help ensure you don't do anything that might void the warranty.
  • Maintenance History - It is also useful to find out if the previous owners had regular preventative maintenance from an HVAC company in Knoxville. If they took good care of the system then it is likely to remain in good shape for longer. It may be helpful to request any maintenance records that are available to see which if any, parts have been replaced.

2 - You Need to Replace Filters Regularly

Changing the air filter in your HVAC system is something that needs to be done on a regular basis. Over time, the filter will become clogged with the dust, dirt, and other debris that is filtered out of the air and as a result, air won’t flow properly and your HVAC system may need to work harder to compensate. This will not only increase energy costs but will also add additional wear and tear to your unit. It is important to change the filters approximately every 3 months, although you may want to do it monthly if you have pets or if someone in the household has a respiratory illness. In most HVAC systems, this is something that you should be able to take care of by yourself, but if you arE not confident in doing so, an HVAC company in Knoxville can change it during regular preventative maintenance visits.

3 - Keep Outdoor Units Clean

If you have an outdoor unit as part of your HVAC system you will need to make sure that it has sufficient airflow around it. Keep shrubs, trees, and foliage at least 3 feet away from the unit, and take time to clean away fallen leaves and other debris that might accumulate around or on top of it. It is also wise to keep garden furniture and other equipment away from the unit too. In winter it is also necessary to clear snow away from the unit. You may notice some ice forming on the HVAC unit in the winter months, and this is to be expected. However, if you see large chunks that could be impeding the unit, or if you see ice in the Summer months it is time to call an HVAC company in Knoxville for assistance. You must not pour hot water on the ice in an attempt to melt it!

4 - Don’t Close Vents

One common mistake that new homeowners make is they close the vents in rooms that they are not using as often in an attempt to save money on energy bills. However, this can be a big mistake as it will actually cause your HVAC to work harder to maintain your desired comfort levels resulting in higher energy costs. It is important that you do not block off vents, either intentionally or by placing furniture and textiles in front of them. If you would prefer to only heat or cool some parts of your home it is best to talk to an HVAC company in Knoxville about zoning your HVAC system.

5 - Preventative Maintenance is Key Nobody wants to deal with HVAC failure in the height of summer or the dead of winter! That’s why it is important to arrange regular preventative maintenance with an HVAC company in Knoxville. Taking good care of your HVAC unit can help reduce the risk of major failures and will allow your technician to address small problems before they escalate.


Gent Heating and Cooling provide heating and air conditioning for residential and commercial clients in Knoxville, Knox County, and the surrounding East Tennessee area. Over 20 Years experience. Customer Service is Our Top Priority. We strive to be on time, provide accurate estimates, and have most replacement products on our service vehicles.

Call 865-213-9202 or email office@genthvac.com
