How to Choose The Right HVAC System for Your Home

How to Choose The Right HVAC System for Your Home

If you want the climate inside your home to stay at a comfortable level, choosing the most appropriate HVAC installation in Knoxville is crucial. However, there are so many options on the market that it can be a little overwhelming. Knowing some of the factors you need to consider when choosing which HVAC system will meet your heating and cooling requirements can be helpful. Let’s take a look at some of the things you need to look for ahead of an HVAC installation in Knoxville.


Your HVAC system may run all day to maintain a steady temperature throughout the home. If you do not have an HVAC system that can comfortably heat and cool your space, it may need to work harder to achieve the desired comfort level, which means it uses more energy. That not only puts a strain on the system itself, causing more frequent maintenance issues, but it also means you get saddled with higher energy bills. When planning a new HVAC installation in Knoxville, you need to make sure you have an HVAC unit that is suitable for the size of your home so that it can run more efficiently and reduce your carbon footprint. One option that you might want to consider is a mini-split system, which can be a great solution if you only need to heat or cool a smaller space or only certain parts of the property.


As mentioned above, choosing the right HVAC installation in Knoxville is about achieving the desired comfort level in your home. You need an HVAC system that you can rely on to keep you cool on a hot summer night and warm on cold winter mornings! Choosing an HVAC system that can keep your home at a consistent comfort level is important, so be sure to check out the range, capacity, and expected lifespan before settling on a particular unit.

Noise Level

There are few things more frustrating than a noisy HVAC system. If your current HVAC is rattling, hissing, or popping, then that is a strong indication that it is ready to be replaced for a newer model. If you are someone who is particularly sensitive to noise, then you may want to look at different models for HVAC installation in Knoxville to find one of the quieter models. One of the things that can cause your HVAC unit to be a little noisy is that it is undersized for your property, and it has to work harder to keep your home at a comfortable temperature, so getting an appropriately sized unit is crucial to keeping noise levels to a minimum.

Capacity & Size

Capacity is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a new HVAC installation in Knoxville. The overall amount of energy consumed in order to heat or cool your space can make a huge difference. For example, if your HVAC unit is a small capacity, it would take more energy and more time to heat or cool a large space. You will need to know the square footage of your property when selecting an HVAC unit to make sure you opt for the best capacity.

Size is something that goes hand in hand with capacity. Some smaller units can handle heavier loads, but in most cases, the size of the unit will directly influence its capacity. Look for how many BTUs a unit has to help you decide if it is a good fit for your property.


Whether we like it or not, one of the biggest influences on your decision when choosing an HVAC installation in Knoxville is going to be your budget. If you cannot afford the absolute best HVAC to suit your home, you may need to come down a level or two and get the next best thing. That does not necessarily mean you are not getting a good HVAC that will work for your space! Getting a very affordable system that will still be effective is possible. Do some research on the different units on the market and talk to your HVAC installer in Knoxville about which ones will match your budget and your needs best.

Common Types of HVAC Systems

Now that we have covered some of the factors you need to consider when choosing an HVAC installation in Knoxville, let’s talk about the different types of HVAC systems there are to choose from. Here are a few of the most common types of HVAC systems.

  • Split HVAC Systems - Split systems consist of two different parts. The outdoor AC unit will cool your home, while an indoor heating unit will do the heating part. A split system can consist of various combinations, including an AC unit with a furnace or an air handler with a heat pump.
  • Ductless Split Systems - If your property has no ductwork, then you likely have a ductless split HVAC system installed. This is made up of a series of small wall-mounted units in each room of the house connected to an exterior compressor unit.
  • Packaged HVAC System A packaged HVAC system is an all-in-one unit containing heating and cooling elements. They are installed outdoors, either on your roof or on a foundation slab. There is an interior thermostat that is used to control the temperature. Packaged units are more common in commercial buildings.


Gent Heating and Cooling provide heating and air conditioning for residential and commercial clients in Knoxville, Knox County, and the surrounding East Tennessee area. Over 20 Years experience. Customer Service is Our Top Priority. We strive to be on time, provide accurate estimates, and have most replacement products on our service vehicles.

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