Air Conditioning Tips for Pet Owners

Air Conditioning Tips for Pet Owners

As we bid farewell to that winter chill, our thoughts turn to the warmer weather ahead! As a pet owner, you will know how important it is to ensure your furry friends are safe and comfortable in your home on hot days, especially if you have to leave them alone for extended periods while you go to work or run errands. Just like humans, pets can suffer from heat-related illnesses, but they are not able to take as many steps as possible to prevent them, so they rely on their owners to make sure they are safe. With that in mind, here are some tips from your local HVAC company in Knoxville to help keep your furry friends comfortable when temperatures soar!

Finding The Optimal Temperature

One of the most important steps for making sure your pet stays comfortable on a hot summer day is finding the optimal temperature for its needs. The ideal room temperature for your pet will vary depending on various factors, including its breed, size, and the thickness of its coat. However, as a general rule of thumb, most pets will be comfortable in a room between 68°F and 78°F. Once you know the optimal temperature, you can take steps to achieve it throughout the day. The first step is adjusting your thermostat to a comfortable temperature range for your pet. A programmable thermostat is an excellent option as you can set it for comfortable temperatures when you are out of the house. Talk to your local HVAC company in Knoxville if you would like to upgrade your thermostat to help keep your home comfortable for your pets - and yourself!

PRO TIP! Sudden temperature changes can be stressful for animals, so if you are adjusting your thermostat, do so gradually over a few days to make the transition easier.

Pet-Friendly Cooling Ideas

Your HVAC system is not the only option for keeping your pets cool on a hot day. In addition to setting a suitable temperature on your thermostat, consider incorporating one or more of the following pet-friendly cooling options.

  • Make a Cool Room Accessible - It is a good idea to designate a room in your home as a cool room so that your pet can go there to find relief if they are feeling particularly hot. Rooms with tiled or linoleum floors tend to stay cooler. You may also want to add a cooling mat for them to lie on. If you want to be able to control the temperature in different rooms, talk to your local HVAC company in Knoxville about zoning your HVAC system.
  • Use Fans to Improve Air Circulation - Fans are a great way to improve air circulation in the room, but they should be kept out of reach and must only be used when your pet is supervised to avoid accidents. A ceiling fan can be a great option as your pets won’t be able to reach it.
  • Freeze Treats & Toys - On particularly hot days, you might want to freeze some of your pet’s favorite treats or toys in ice. This is not only a refreshing way for them to keep cool, but it also provides enrichment and entertainment.

Be Aware of Potential Hazards

Air conditioning is an excellent resource when you need to help your furry friend cool down. However, it is important to take the necessary precautions to keep them safe from potential hazards.

  • Regulating the Temperature - Monitor the temperature to avoid it dropping too low and making your pet cold. Also, monitor how your pet is behaving and adjust the temperature accordingly.
  • Ventilation & Air Filters - It is important to check your HVAC system regularly and ensure the filters are clean and the system is functioning correctly. With a pet in the home, the filters can get clogged much faster with their hair and dander. This can cause the HVAC system to overwork, making it less efficient. It is a good idea to schedule a maintenance call with an HVAC company in Knoxville before we reach the height of summer to make sure it is working effectively.
  • Keep Electrical Cords Secure - If your pets have a habit of chewing on things, make sure all of the electrical cords for your HVAC system and any fans you are using are properly secured where they won’t be tempted to have a nibble!

As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to make sure they are safe and comfortable, especially during hot weather. Animals can’t turn up the AC or take a cool shower if they are too hot, so they rely on us humans to take steps to keep them cool. Talk to your local HVAC company in Knoxville to arrange a programmable thermostat or service your unit ahead of Summer.


Gent Heating and Cooling provide heating and air conditioning for residential and commercial clients in Knoxville, Knox County, and the surrounding East Tennessee area. Over 20 Years experience. Customer Service is Our Top Priority. We strive to be on time, provide accurate estimates, and have most replacement products on our service vehicles.

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