Leave it to A Pro… Avoiding Problems with Regular Professional Maintenance

Leave it to A Pro… Avoiding Problems with Regular Professional Maintenance

Demands for an HVAC system never dwindle. One day you’re cranking the air in a desperate attempt to battle the blazing ball igniting the sky… and then the next, you’re engaging in thermostat wards in the winter with your family to keep your home warm. The tug of war on the HVAC system you acquired from a heating and air conditioning company in Knoxville comes with a cost… the cost of maintenance and wear and tear on a system.

To avoid an unwanted hit on your wallet, it’s tempting to try and handle things yourself. But, HVAC systems are complex and cumbersome. By attempting to perform maintenance yourself, you’re likely costing yourself the frustration and additional money in the long run.

The DIY Pitfalls

Now that social media and the internet flood the public with tsunamis of information, it’s no surprise that droves of regular people think they should simply take matters into their own hands. Skirting hiring professionals from a heating and air conditioning company in Knoxville may cost you in the end. Beware of these pitfalls of trying to fix and maintain the system yourself.

  • You’re dealing with danger. Hiring a professional with a heating and air conditioning company in Knoxville means enlisting the help of someone well-qualified and trained to maintain your HVAC system. When you get into the guts of the unit, you’re exposing yourself to high voltage, flammable gasses, and other hazards. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you risk significant injury by poking around where you shouldn’t.
  • Making the problem worse. All good intentions don’t always equate to success. You may think you’re doing your best by trying to address your equipment yourself, but you could be making things worse. The pros who obtain training and certification learn how to work with and have specialized equipment that your garage likely lacks. Breaking out your grandfather’s wrench to try and maintain your system will probably make the situation worse, ultimately leading you to hire a heating and air conditioning company in Knoxville to fix your mistakes.
  • Voided warranty. All new systems have warranties outlining exclusions and requirements tied to the purchase. Your warranty likely specifies the need for routine maintenance by a professional to keep it intact. If you decide to pursue your own regular maintenance and repairs, you’re risking voiding the warranty and could face staggering costs you could have avoided by calling a pro.

Please Leave it to The Pros

Selecting the right heating and air conditioning company in Knoxville (like Gent Heating and Cooling) assures you peace of mind. For the reasons mentioned above, you will want to work with a professional to maintain your HVAC system. Suppose your system starts acting up, costing more energy consumption all of a sudden, or simply breaks, hiring a trained expert, in that case, they’ll assess if they can quickly fix the unit or if a whole new installation is necessary.

Though you’re likely spending your final summer moments focusing on the last hurrah for the season and upcoming fall activities, keeping an HVAC professional in mind in case of an urgent maintenance call can let you continue with other important matters… like what to serve at the last luau. Then if a need for maintenance arises, you’ll be ready to call a pro to maintain your system ASAP before the guests arrive.

Hiring a professional to regularly service and maintain your system will ensure that everything is running efficiently and flawlessly. The last thing you want is your failed attempt at summer maintenance to come and haunt you when you most need crisper air circulating through your home.

An added bonus to working with a heating and air conditioning company in Knoxville is to gain some insider knowledge. They’ll be able to assess your space and can make recommendations on where money might be flying out the window or attic due to insufficient insulation. They’ll also remember to check things like your filters to ensure they’re not clogged and bogging down your airflow.

Properly maintaining and servicing your HVAC system can add additional life to your setup. Ultimately if you treat it right, you can get more than 15 years from a well-maintained HVAC unit. Working with a heating and air conditioning company in Knoxville and enlisting professionals will ultimately save you cost, grief and frustration from a poorly maintained heating and air conditioning system.

Now that we’re in the height of summer, all those AC units out there are working hard to evenly temperature control every air-conditioned indoor space. To reap the most benefits from these workhorses, pairing some proactive measures on your part paired with enlisting experts when needed will help you maintain your cool until it’s time to switch to your heating system in the fall.


Gent Heating and Cooling provide heating and air conditioning for residential and commercial clients in Knoxville, Knox County, and the surrounding East Tennessee area. Over 20 Years experience. Customer Service is Our Top Priority. We strive to be on time, provide accurate estimates, and have most replacement products on our service vehicles.

Call 865-213-9202 or email office@genthvac.com
